Call for Papers by Global Communicator Journal


We are announcing a call for papers/abstracts and encourage authors and researchers to present works in these broad areas. We focus on deepening learning and aim at publishing quality research and genuine articles. We hope to contribute to learning by creating rich data base for literature in the field of Mass Communication, Media, Information Technology and interrelated disciplines. We shall welcome original articles and research reports from, but not limited to:
  • Mass Communication
    Media and Entrepreneurship
    Mass Communication and Information Technology
    Media and Languages
    Online Journalism
    Media and Whistle blower policy
    Media and Linguistics
    Media and Commerce
    Media and Development
    Media and Technological Development
    Media and Globalization
    Media, Public Speaking and Event Management
    Media and Third World Image
    Media and Elections
    Media and Governance
    Media and Information Management
    Media and Terrorism.
    Media and Image Management
    Media and Stereotyping
    Media and Gender
    Media and National Security
    CNN and Word News Leadership
    Media and Politics
    Film and Cinema
    Media Drama
    Media and Graphic Design
    Media and World Press
    Media and Women Empowerment
    Media and Rural Management
    Media and Advertisement
    Media and International Communication
    Media and Economic Policies
    Media and National Development
    Media and Business
    Media and Political Communication
    Media and Health Campaign
    Media and Opinion Polls in Africa/Nigeria
    Media and Environment
    Media, Science and Technology
    Publication and Indexing
    Media, Classification and Archiving
    Media and Librarianship New Media
    Marketing Communications
    Public Administration
    Science and Technology
    Library and Information Technology
    Banking and Finance
3.   Paper Guidelines
  • Manuscript shall be in English Language and can be submitted in hard copy or electronically. A hard copy will be accompanied by a CD. Electronic copy shall be sent to
  • The cover page shall bear the title, author’s name, e-mail address, phone number, institutional affiliation. A biographical sketch of the writer comes under. There would be no page number on the cover page.
  • Abstract of not less than 150 words, and not more than 200 words shall appear in the page before the main body. 
  • The abstract shall be in Microsoft Office Word format, not less than 2003 and not more than 2007 version. The text shall be single-spaced, in a 12-point Times New Roman and in italics. If you use MS Word above the specified version of 2007, please re-save the document and lower the version.
  • Abstract should be followed by five key words.
  • The paper shall be double-spaced and not more than 12 pages on A4 paper size.  You are advised to typeset your paper in 12 points Times New Roman. You are to number all pages except the abstract. Justify the main pages and indent first paragraphs instead of spacing between them. Begin the main body on page 2.
  • Tables and figures: Place the tables at the appropriate point where they are needed within context and it serves better to keep the titles and captions brief. Place the titles above tables and captions beneath pictures and figures. Do not embed numbers or captions in images; instead, place them outside the image, but on the same page.   Place the references under cited tables and figures.  Those references shall reappear as references at the end of the paper.
 References shall be in APA (6th Edition). Please see sample summarized version or click and open the pdf below.

APA Style Ref.
  • Short quotations of three lines should be included in the text within inverted commas (“  ”) while quotations of more than  three lines  should be indented in a separate paragraph . All precise or exact words must be accompanied by the page it appeared.
  • The paper shall be original and should not have been presented to any other body for publication.
  • Accepted papers shall be published at the cost of ₦15,000 in Nigerian Naira currency, 30 Euro or 50 USD for abroad contributors, your paper shall appear in our online portal with a link at